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El Gran Legado de Vida

Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1123

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Calificaciones y reseñas de nuestra comunidad

Hagi Garcia
Tequila Savant
209 calificaciones

Ryan Meaney
Tequila Ninja
186 calificaciones

Tasted at Sip Tequila Fest

Ryan Meaney
Tequila Ninja
186 calificaciones

Tasted at Sip Tequila Fest

Carl Evans
Tequila Phenom
345 calificaciones

Very complex high proof. Lots of pepper with citrus and vegetal notes and a nice amount of minerality. Runs a little hot with the proof but very good.

Kelly Pucci
Tequila Wizard
860 calificaciones

Jeremy Kinney
Tequila Ninja
193 calificaciones

Ken Ihrer (Fuerte Fanatic)
Tequila Boss
506 calificaciones

Barrett Kelly
Tequila Ninja
117 calificaciones

$80 in San Francisco Aroma: 23 Really punchy when poured. Powerful citrus, pepper, and spice. As it opens up, agave starts to push through the spice. The herbal character is next to the show with a sweet rosemary and a touch of celery. Palate: 27 Hefty mouth feel and presence. Alcohol is very powerful at the beginning. Once my tongue adjusted, the agave sweetness really kicks into gear. This tequila is no stranger to a heavy amount of spice. Lots of pepper, cinnamon, and jalapeno. Fruit comes out the longer it sits. Finish: 23 Finish is long with a good evolution. A little hot but plenty of flavor Value: 6 $80 for a kick ass high proof blanco is not crazy by any means. This will not be a stranger to my permanent tequila selves. This tequila really needs to breath and for your palate to adjust to the heavy immediate ethanol. Once adjusted, this is a quality pour.

Matt Cavanaugh (Agave Swappers)
Tequila Phenom
327 calificaciones

Nose: Agave, Oak, Almond, Anise, Wet Cement, Minerality, Leather, Vanilla, and Cinnamon Mouthfeel: Medium to Full-bodied Palate: Cinnamon, Black Pepper, Herbs and Minerality Finish: Agave, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Black Pepper, Arugula I find this to be a pleasant sipper. As much as I am confident about the quality of most products made at 1123, I find that I am more picky and less confident about their aged selections as they can totally be a hit or miss for me. This was a bullseye. Such a great combination here of savory, sweet, herbal aromas and flavors.