Esperanto Seleccion

Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1649
Additional Distilleries: 1109, 1416, 1602, 1605, 1473

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Robert Frost
Tequila Phenom
313 ratings

Nom 1605. Aroma of a watermelon hard candy... not a good start. Flavor was also artificial with a nothing finish. Just a pretty bottle.

ChristineH Tequila.Diva IG / Tequila Sippers FB
Tequila Wizard
741 ratings

tasted at cantina mayahuel San diego 2015. I'm rating based on those notes. all I have from my notes is we liked it. had a good balance of spice and flavor. but this was before we knew about additives. so i should try again and adjust rating at some point.

Kelly Pucci
Tequila Wizard
860 ratings

Byron Holmes
Tequila Honey Badger
1150 ratings

Kelly Pucci
Tequila Wizard
860 ratings

Byron Holmes
Tequila Honey Badger
1150 ratings

Scott Sampson
Tequila Savant
233 ratings

Carl Evans
Tequila Phenom
345 ratings

Similar to the reposado but even more intense vanilla flavor. Again it's drinkable but little to no agave and very simple

Carl Evans
Tequila Phenom
345 ratings

It's drinkable and remarkably simple. Strong vanilla and caramel flavors some oak, very little agave. Same old mass produced tequila.