Tequila 1349

Jalisco (Los Altos Southern)
Nom 1499

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Natalia Hernandez
Tequila Enthusiast
7 ratings

Very smooth for a double distilled. Great on the nose. Subtle yet tangy agave notes, lime peppercorn and cooked pineapple notes. Great for sipping or mixing.

Anita Tequilita
Tequila Guru
86 ratings

Matt Welge
Tequila Aficionado
50 ratings

Starts off with some nice vegetal agave notes, opens up with time to reveal some nice black pepper spice.

Gerald Dascolo
Tequila Enthusiast
5 ratings

I tried this Blanco at a charity event. I don’t know much about the brand, I think it’s more local, but it was very wonderful. I enjoyed it that day in a cocktail so I went and purchased it at a Binnys to try alone. It was very smooth, and clean very easy to drink and the aroma was sweet on the nose. I’m interested to see if they have another expression. But will definitely buy again.

Jason Kruger
Tequila Maniac
31 ratings

Tasted this at a Binny's in Chicago and found the aroma and taste to be heavy on the ethanol and the agave flavor seemed off. Maybe artificial. It had some lingering sweetness. The finish was short and mostly a burn of ethanol. I wouldn't be surprised if they used additives. The way the guy at Binny's talked it up I was expecting something other than what this was. I checked out a few of the other reviews on here and they don't seem legitimate. A bunch of one review accounts where 1349 is the only review.

JC .
Tequila Enthusiast
8 ratings

Mike G
Tequila Fan
1 ratings

James Siragusa
Tequila Fan
1 ratings

Max Arduini
Tequila Fan
1 ratings