Teky Lady's

Jalisco (Los Valles)
Nom 1466
Additional Distilleries: 1258

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Remy Newland
Tequila Wizard
990 ratings

Gifted to a Christmas event several years ago… Overly sweet and had a petrochemical note to it. Now I remember why I didn’t rate it at the time. I didn’t want to offend the donor.

Scarlet Sanschagrin
Tequila Boss
552 ratings

Sweet, viscous but doesn’t taste real. Slight defect in the nose.

Grover Sanschagrin
Tequila Honey Badger
1056 ratings

A little heavy-handed and sweet for me. Not terrible, but the mouth feel is overly thick and syrupy.

Scarlet Sanschagrin
Tequila Boss
552 ratings

Sweet and caramely, with a slight burn in the back. Overaged for a repo. Not bad but tastes artificial.

Grover Sanschagrin
Tequila Honey Badger
1056 ratings

A bit too sweet for me, but I’m sure many others will like it.

Don Heiser
Tequila Honey Badger
1033 ratings

Craig Macadang
Tequila Honey Badger
1527 ratings

Don Heiser
Tequila Honey Badger
1033 ratings

Xuaco Pascual
Tequila Enthusiast
8 ratings